金翡翠月饼 Pandan Lotus (Mooncake)

Product Code: mooncakes9

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金翡翠月饼 Pandan Lotus (Mooncake)


精选原料、精工制作、经典口味、精致包装 老牌企业,75年的品质保证 惠芳月饼都是用古法秘制,只以酥软的饼皮包裹醇厚的馅料,保证让你吃到小时候的味道!吃下去的口感绝对是口口酥软,让你回味无穷。历经 75 年的老字号,惠芳无论在品质、信誉和口碑上都为顾客带来最好的产品!绝对让你一家老少能吃得健康、安心享用!

Made with aromatic pandan leaves and lotus paste, this mooncake delivers a unique fusion of flavours. The fragrance of pandan blends harmoniously with the subtle sweetness of lotus paste, offering a satisfying and memorable taste.

Crafted with premium ingredients, expertly made, and carefully packaged, Fai Fong Bakery, with 75 years of heritage, ensures that each mooncake embodies the traditional flavours you remember from childhood. The soft pastry and rich filling provide an unparalleled taste experience. With Fai Fong’s commitment to quality and reputation, every mooncake is a treat for the whole family to enjoy with peace of mind.

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